Transformation of the Nations app for iPhone and iPad
Access all the latest content from Mark Tubbs and his ministry Transformation of the Nations. Get connected, receive inspiration and encouragement any time any where. Transformation of the Nations app makes it easy to:
-Watch all latest sermons and videos from Mark Tubbs and Transformation of the Nations on the go
-Discover how to get involved and get up-to-date with all that is happening at Transformation of the Nations
-Donate anytime and from anywhere through the custom In-app Giving
Everyone wants to make a difference and impact the world. At TOTN, we work with world changers in many different nations and partner with them to influence every aspect of culture and society. Through these relationships, we are able to bring sustainable and measurable results. In addition to teaching leaders how to equip through the fivefold, a signature to TOTN is to lead life changing trips that teach you the principles of transformation and change.